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A User Showcase of the Unity Game Engine. Use the chat room if you're new to Unity or have a quick question. Lots of professionals hang out there. Did I read correctly that Unity only has linear level-streaming? I have an idea for a game that would require a BIG area. It's several miles in every direction. A simple height mapped terrain with occasional but large buildings. Here is our site where you can find several videos for reference. Performance has been pretty good, not without the occasional hiccup, but that's to be expected for any game of this scale. Baking navmeshes takes ages, and baking occlusion maps often uses every ounce of my 16 gigs of ram. Edit: A little more detail. Once you get occlusion baked in the size of the map does not really matter. I had never considered chopping up the terrain, we worldsfree4k com unity had any performance issues so I just never gave it any thought. With an open world game worldsfree4k com unity this, the world isn't really a big problem. Occlusion culling and frustrum culling makes sure you're never really rendering too much, and you could even add a limited draw distance to help in that department. The problem is enemies and props. You can't have every building populated with enemies worldsfree4k com unity physics props all the time, you've got to wait until the player is close enough to need to interact with them. If you have everything spawned all the time you'll get CPU bottlenecks. Keeping these things despawned is really easy, just a Vector3. I use a spawn object for this. It's an empty object with a script on it. The script takes a Gameobject as a paramater, so it knows what it has to spawn, and a distance it should spawn in at. For some things I also add a radius, so I can randomize the spawn location across an area, that's how I spawn groups of enemies. The spawn object allows you to tell the objects where to spawn, without having to have them actually be there all the time. For example, the limits on a Joint are relative to the "initial position" according to the worldsfree4k com unity, but this position is reacquired upon re-enable from the now moved bodiesgenerally messing up the joint.

Just a moment
How large of a forest area/open-world game could Unity handle? : Unity3D
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